Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Season to Get Things Done

I am not really a betting man, and my only foray into the gambling world was a try at Roulette when I was 18. I placed $20 on red thinking 50/50 odds were as good as anyone could hope for. It stopped on black and I lost three hours pay as it was at the time. It hurt.

So these days I invest my time into things that I can rely on. They don't neccessarily pay off in dollar terms, but they can be counted on as truths. Taken to the bank!

By now you know I work with Steel Framed Homes and I thought with winter around the corner I'd remind you all why it's a great idea to start planning your new home now...yes now.

Winter is what I call planning season. It gets cold, and hopefully really wet if the gods favour us, and it's a great time to be inside doing things other than putting a home together.

I think the best thing you can do while having your hot chocolate is to start thinking about your floor plan, get me to draw your plans up, and for you to place an order for you new home and have everything ready so that you can break dirt and get your place to Lock-Up by Christmas. Between now and when the warm weather arrives we can have shire approval done so you'll be ready to roll. Ambitious?

It's not really ambitious. It's realistic.

Let's go over the benefits of building a new home using fully welded, prefabricated steel wall and roof frames.

Speed of Construction.
Using prefabricated fully welded wall frames enables you to build your home so much quicker than other types of construction. Speed of construction equals lower labour costs equals savings for you. All wall frames and roof trusses are numbered and are matched to easily follow the "how to" drawings and plans.
And while there are many other benefits such as flexibility of design, it's strength, the way steel is a natural barrier against termites, cyclonic rated, flexibility in the final finish, fire resistant and easy to add onto later.

Apart from all those really cool things is that Steel Framed Homes can be built very,very quickly.

2011 could be the year you got more home for less and got into a place you can call your own.

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